Somewhere around 2005, I was working in a lab at UNC-Chapel Hill. The main building had a few trailers with decks surrounding it. For the most part, I took university transit because there was no place to park except at odd hours and weekends. I sometimes would drive in and park on the street next to the trailers. One day, I was walking on one of the decks when I was startled by a squirrel. I jumped a mile high. Immediately realizing how funny it was that I was startled by a squirrel, I stopped in my tracks bent forward laughing hysterically. Then, from across the way, a woman who was on a cigarette break with two others, began laughing and yelling at me, “Ha, ha! You were scared by a squirrel!” She had seen the whole thing happen and it was hysterical. The best part about this story is that it always makes me laugh when I think about it. And I always laugh twice. Once at how funny it was to be startled by a squirrel, and the other for when the woman laughs at me afterward.
Posted by Margaret Ryan
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